35,000+ Parts
We have thousands (and thousands) of parts in our warehouse ready to go!
We know how important it is to keep medical imaging systems up and running, ready to serve patients. Our team is ready to meet your needs with high-quality parts across many modalities and manufacturers.
We have thousands (and thousands) of parts in our warehouse ready to go!
Order Monday - Friday before 7:30 pm EST and your part will ship the same day
We're committed to regulatory compliance with federal and state agencies
I tell people all the time that when it comes to the pre-owned imaging market there is only one company I trust and utilize... Block Imaging.
Easy online parts ordering!
Block Imaging goes above and beyond the call of duty... They are the FIRST company that I will always call for my imaging needs.
Jul 10, 2023 by Jason Block
If you own a 2D Mammography system, chances are you've considered or have been approached with the idea of "upgrading"...
Jun 20, 2023 by Jason Block
Are you looking to sell your Hologic Selenia Dimensions digital mammography system? There are some important things a...
Apr 11, 2023 by Brad Lee
If your facility owns medical imaging equipment, you are no stranger to the importance of regular maintenance and...